CNY Offers!
Free Coupons & Free Classes! Enquire now! Offer Ends 28th Feb!
New Students get a FREE Assessment & Trial Lesson. If you like the trial lesson and want to sign-up for lessons, get $288 instantly off of the first 5-lesson package.
Existing Students
1) Existing 1 x Week students – Buy 5 lessons, get $50 off next package ($50 Simply English coupon).
2) Existing 2 x Week students – Buy 10 lessons, get $100 off next package ($100 Simply English coupon). *Phonics classes excluded.
3) Become a member – Buy 15 lessons, get 1 Extra $100 Simply English coupon (total $400).
1) Buy a 15-lesson package – Renew your 15-lesson package early and get a $100 Simply Coupon for your next package.
A) For members who normally purchase 10 lessons, purchase enough lessons to equal 15 and get the offer above (extra classes get 12.5% off).
B) For members who have purchased recently, rebuy the number of lessons that equal a new package of 15 lessons and get the offer above.
Terms & Conditions apply. Ask us for details.