Common mistakes in English made by Hong Kong students

The confusion when adding “s” to the end of words.

1) Singular/Plural Countable Nouns

Some students forget to add an “s” or “es” or “ies” to the end of countable plural nouns. Sometimes they add it when they don’t need to or when the noun  is uncountable. Ex: homeworks – this is incorrect.

2) Subject-Verb Agreement

Some students forget to add an “s” or “es” or “ies” to verbs when using the third-person singular subject (he/she/it). Sometimes they add it when the subject is I/you/we/they. Ex. The children plays board games. This sentence is incorrect.

3)  Apostrophe “s” – (‘s)

Some student omit apostrophe “s” to show possession or use it incorrectly as a contraction. Ex: Josephs dog is cute. This is an incorrect sentence. It’s is a fine day. This is an incorrect sentence.

4) Talking about things in general.

Some students forget to add “s” to countable nouns to represent the idea of generality. For example, I love apples – not I love apple.

If you or your child makes any of the mistakes above, give us a call to schedule a FREE assessment and trial lesson.

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