CNY Specials!

FREE Coupons & Lessons – Offer ends on 28th February.

Learn and grow with us.


We’re an experienced learning centre for children of all ages and levels. Have your children grow and experience the joys of learning with us.

We now provide Mandarin, Chinese, Art, Homework tutorial and playgroup lessons. Check out our blog for more information.

我們是一間經驗豐富的補習中心,適合所有年齡和程度的兒童。 讓您的孩子與我們一起成長並體驗學習的樂趣。


  • FREE Assessment and Trial Lesson

Our English Courses

6 to 15 years old
(P1 – S3)

Focusing on the core fundamentals of English, our comprehensive lessons are divided into 3 areas that focus on reading comprehension, grammar & writing. We cover speaking, grammar, comprehension, thematic vocabulary, phonics, listening or a combination of the skills mentioned in this course.

(90 minutes – 90分鐘)


3 to 6 years old
(K1 – P1)

Learning phonics is essential for English proficiency. Our course will help children learn how to spell words correctly, identify, rehearse and recognize sounds, increase fluency and accuracy in speech & reading, develop confidence to become more vocal.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

拼音閱讀在教育中非常重要,拼音可以幫助孩子學習如何正確拼寫單詞, 識別字母發音, 提高閱讀的流暢性和準確性, 培育小朋友發音時的自信

1.5 to 3 years old

Nurturing your child’s character and developmental growth, 60 minute lessons are divided into four learning areas using different themes. Our unique playgroup program features small class sizes and interactive activities to give your child the best learning experience.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

培養孩子的個性及生長發展。 60分鐘課堂以主題形式分4個學習部分進行。 我們獨具特色的小班教學及互動學習氣氛, 可以讓你的孩子獲得最佳的學習體驗。

2 to 6 years old
(PN – P1)

Students will learn the basics of speaking and listening in English. Depending on their age and level, students will focus on the fundamental areas of speech to answer questions, comment on what they see, and develop confidence in order to express themselves well in English.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

學生將會學習英語口語和聽力的基礎知識。 根據他們的年齡和水平,能用基本的英語來回答問題,討論他們所看到的事物,建立自信心,並能用英語好好地表達自己。

16+ years old

Prepares students for all of the main concepts and strategies to attain a high score in the HKDSE. Each Paper is dissected and analyzed to give your student the best preparation. Simply English is proud to have helped many students receive 5** results in English.

(90 minutes – 90分鐘)

課程為志在奪取佳績的HKDSE學生做好準備,教授獲得高分所需的主要概念及策略。我們會剖析及分析每份考卷,確保為學生提供最佳應試準備。Simple English很榮幸能夠讓過往無數學生考取5 **的佳績。

4 to 8 years old

A series of fun, motivating English language tests, for children in primary and lower-secondary education. There are three tests – Cambridge Starters, Movers and Flyers. We prepare students using practice papers and essential exercises that will get them a high score. Learn more on their website.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


4 to 8 years old
(K2 – P3)

Trinity College London – Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) are oral language tests for children in primary school. There are three exams we can prepare your child for – Grades 1, 2 and 3. These lessons will teach your child everything that they need in order to pass and do well in these exams.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

倫敦聖三一學院 – 英語口語等級考試 (GESE) 是給小學生的口語試,我們會為學生準備3個考試 – 分別是1級,2級和3級,課程將傳授學生們需要在測試中取得好成績的技巧與知識。

All ages

Speech Festival Training and School Interview Preparation is a service we provide annually. We guide students on how to confidently, accurately and emotionally recite poems for their speech festivals. We also help students become their best-selves during school interviews so they can make a lasting impression.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


16+ years old

We provide preparation for IELTS and TOEFL examinations. Courses cover all sections of the exams which include reading, writing, speaking and listening. Exam strategies unique for each exam will be covered extensively with the most current practices. We’ve helped many students get the marks they need to get.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

Simply English & Simply Learning 提供 IELTS、TOEFL的考試預備。課程涵蓋閱讀、寫作、口語和聽力四大部分。我們會透過最新的練習方式, 按每個考試制定獨特的策略, 而且課程能廣泛涵蓋每個考試。課程提供完整的考試材料和實習考試。

Our Chinese Courses

6 to 13 years old
(P1 – S1)

Mandarin/Putonghua Comprehensive Course

This course is suitable for students with a basic knowledge of Pinyin. It helps to build their Pinyin skills, helps to teach standard pronunciation, helps students easily master Chinese pronunciation, focuses on correcting students’ habitual mistakes, and strengthens oral usage through training.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


6 to 15 years old
(P1 – S3)

For school-based courses in Hong Kong, we improve students’ reading and writing skills, teach rhetorical skills & techniques, break down sentence structures, work on comprehending articles of different genres, master question-answering skills, strengthen writing abilities and enrich writing content.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


6 to 12 years old
(P1 – P6)

Mandarin/Putonghua Pinyin Class is an interactive lesson that helps with pronunciation and helps students master the skills and key points for pinyin. The review skills and strengthen oral training.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)




4 to 12 years old
(K2 – P6)

The GAPSK test was developed by the Institute of Chinese Education at Peking University and approved by the Ministry of Education. It is highly recognized and authoritative. Exams are conducted in the form of activities and games, allowing students to complete the exam in a relaxed and enjoyable conversation with the examiner.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

GAPSK考試由北大語文教育研究所研發兼得國家教育部審批備受認受性及具權威性。幼稚園考試以遊戲活動方式進行, 使學生與考官輕鬆愉快的對話和遊戲中輕鬆完成普通話測試.。

6 to 12 years old
(P1 – P6)

Everyday or a few days a week, we have talented teachers ready to help your kids understand what they’re learning at school.

Homework tutoring (All subjects)
Exam prep (as needed)
Safe place afterschool
Reading Material / Extra material if student has finished their school work (as needed)

Tutorial starts at 16:00 until 19:00 everyday.

輔導時間為星期一至五 16:00 至 19:00

4 to 15 years old
(K2 – S3)

Simply Art in collaboration with AS Studio allows children to express their creativity in their Kid’s Integrated Art Course and specialty art courses. Learn to draw, colour and paint with experienced and talented art teachers. Our students have won multiple awards and prizes in competitions all over Hong Kong!

Check out their website for more details.

Simply Art 與 AS Studio 合作,讓孩子們在兒童綜合藝術課程和專業藝術課程中表達他們的創造力。 與經驗豐富、才華橫溢的美術老師一起學習繪畫、色彩和繪畫。 我們的學生在全港各地的比賽中屢獲殊榮!

What makes us great

We provide experience, consistency & care

Appropriate curriculum for all ages

Our curriculum loosely follow the HKEDB guidelines and Cambridge system to help your students excel in their English learning.

Healthy & safe classroom setting

All of our classrooms were designed with students in mind. Procedures for personal hygiene and classroom cleaning are priorities.

Fun learning environment

All of our teachers love children and love teaching them even more. We strive to create an environment that students want to experience.

Experienced teachers

With over 15 years experience in teaching and running tutorial centres in Hong Kong, know that your children are in good hands.

Hear from happy parents

Teachers are very nice, my kids enjoy the lessons very much!


(Facebook Review)

“Teacher is full of energy and delivers the presentation with enthusiasm. Highly recommended!”


(Facebook review)

“Simply English 是一個讓幼兒學習英文的好地方。👍🏼👍🏼😍”

- Agnes Tang

(Facebook Review)

Schedule a FREE assessment and FREE trial lesson today!


We can’t wait to meet you and your child! get in touch to book an assessment or to answer all of your questions.

我們急不及待地想見到您和您的孩子! 聯絡我們預約評估或回答您的所有提問。

Simply English Learning Centre - Come Visit Us Graphic
拜訪我們! 我們很高興向您介紹我們為您的孩子提供的所有課程