Our Courses

Our Courses Graphics

We have comprehensive English classes which include grammar, writing, language use, reading comprehension, vocabulary training, speaking & listening, phonics and more. We also offer Mandarin, Chinese, Visual Art, Homework Tutorial Classes, Exam Preparation, Speech Festival Training, School Interview Preparation, Craft Making, Cambridge/Trinity GESE  and Playgroup courses. We have courses for all ages and levels. Our qualified and caring teachers make these lessons enjoyable and impactful. Come by our centres to chat or give us a call for more information. We’re always ready to respond to any messages on whatsapp, too! We’ll be happy to discuss in detail about any enquiries you may have. 

我們提供全面的英語課程,包括文法、寫作、語言運用、閱讀理解、詞彙訓練、口語和聽力、自然拼讀法等。 我們也提供普通話、中文、視覺藝術、功課輔導班、考試準備、演講節訓練、學校面試準備、手作、劍橋/三一GESE和遊戲小組課程。 我們有適合所有年齡和程度的課程。 我們富經驗和有耐心的老師令學習變得愉快和有成效。歡迎到中心或致電我們以了解更多詳情。 我們隨時回覆 Whatsapp 上的任何訊息! 我們也很樂意詳細回答任何問題。

Our English Courses

We have English classes for all ages and levels. All courses require students to come in for an assessment in order to put them into the appropriate level. This assessment is 100% FREE without any commitments or requirements. After the assessment, your child can also get a 100% FREE trial class (group English courses only). All classes taught by native level or fluent speakers.


Simply English Learning Centre - Small class sizes - English Lessons - Graphic

Small Classes

Simply English Learning Centre - Fun and Interactive lessons - Graphic

Fun & Interactive

Simply English Learning Centre Curriculum - English Lessons - Graphic

Appropriate Curriculum

Simply English Learning Centre - Country flags - Native English Speaking Teachers - Graphics

Native Level Teachers

Simply English Learning Centre Simply Complete Cambridge Equivalents Graphic
Simply English Learning Centre - Simply Complete Course Logo
Simply Complete Pie Chart and Course Details Graphic

Our comprehensive courses focus on three main aspects of English. Each lesson is divided into 3 segments that focus on writing, oral and one segment that changes from grammar, comprehension, thematic vocabulary, phonics (lower primary), listening or a combination of the skills mentioned.

This segment changes weekly and will focus on specific areas of English improvement. Each level is created with the core concepts for the student age groups in a loose curriculum based on similar textbooks recommended for use by the HK Education Bureau. Each lesson requires interaction and participation from the student in meaningful ways.

Every semester, there is a month where we focus on exam prep items. At the end of the semester, there is an evaluation for the student made by the teacher based on performance in the class and an evaluation test.

(90 minutes – 90分鐘)



Levels and ages

Level 1

6 to 7 years old
級別1 – 6至7歲

Level 2

8 to 9 years old
級別2 – 8至9歲

Level 3

10 to 11 years old
級別3 – 10至11歲

Level 4

11+ years old
級別4 – 11歲以上

Upper Level 1

12 to 13 years old
高級級別1 – 12至13歲

Upper Level 2

13 to 15 years old
高級級別2 – 13至15歲

Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Simply English Learning Pink Mascot with outline graphic
Simply English Learning Centre - Phonics Logo - Graphic

Learning phonics is essential for English proficiency. Our course will help children:

  • learn how to spell words correctly
  • identify, rehearse and recognize sounds
  • increase fluency and accuracy in speech & reading
  • develop confidence to become more vocal

This course teaches students a variety of basics, blends and digraphs to increase your children’s reading ability.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


  • 學習如何正確拼寫單詞
  • 識別字母發音
  • 提高閱讀的流暢性和準確性
  • 培育小朋友發音時的自信


Simply English Summer Storytelling & Phonics Course

Levels and ages

Beginners & Intermediate

3 to 6 years old
小學預科– 3至6歲

Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Simply Speaking Logo

Simply Speakers Storytelling | 聆聽寓言故事和會話課程

Toddlers | 幼兒組別

A speaking course for toddlers aged 2-3 years old who are studying in PN or K1. This course will include:

  • playing fun, theme-based games from stories
  • doing crafts related to the stories
  • role-playing
  • learning simple vocabulary
  • learning how to have simple conversations

專為 PN 或 K1 的2-3 歲幼兒開設的聆聽和會話課程。


  • 開心玩耍基於故事主題的有趣遊戲
  • 製作與故事相關的手工藝
  • 角色扮演
  • 學習簡單詞彙
  • 學習如何進行簡單的對話

Young Learners | 初級組別

A speaking course for young children aged 4-5 years old who are studying K2 – K3. This course will include:

  • vocabulary building
  • learning oral structures used in everyday life
  • using full sentences to talk about the stories 
  • role-playing
  • playing fun, theme-based games from stories

專為 4-5歲 K2-K3 幼兒的會話課程。本課程將包括:

  • 詞彙建設
  • 學習日常生活中使用的說話結構
  • 用完整的句子來講故事
  • 角色扮演
  • 開心玩耍基於故事主題的有趣遊戲
  • 表達完整子句

Structured Conversations | 結構性會話

Students learn the basics of a natural conversation quickly and effectively. This course will include:

  • learning how to exchange greetings with others
  • showing understanding of simple instructions through appropriate actions
  • giving very short answers to simple questions and requests for information
  • understanding short, simple questions, requests and statements
  • responding with appropriate actions and positive and negative short form answers
  • contributing to conversations using memorised phrases and short statements
  • using a basic range of words and simple phrases related to personal details and situations
  • asking for very basic personal information, eg. about possessions, age, things they like, etc.


  • 學習如何與他人對答
  • 能夠理解簡單動作的表達
  • 能清晰和簡短回答問題
  • 理解簡短的問題、要求和 陳述
  • 適當簡短回應正面和負面的答案
  • 運用記憶以精簡陳述用作對答
  • 運用基本單字和簡單短語作個人詳細和相關的資料
  • 談論個人資訊,例如財物、年齡、喜好的東西

Levels and ages


2 to 5 years old
小學預科– 2至5歲

Structured Conversations

 4 to 6 years old
(小學預科– 4至6歲)

Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Simply English Learning Centre - Simply Playtime Logo

This course nurtures your child’s character and developmental growth. 60 minute lessons are divided into four learning areas using different themes monthly. Our unique program features small class sizes and interactive activities to give your child the best learning experience.

60 minutes includes:

  • Warm-up & Free Play (Social/Emotional)
  • Theme Activity (Cognitive)
  • Story time & Songs (Language & Movement)
  • Arts & Crafts (Physical motor skills)

Playgroup Goals:

  • Introduce students to a classroom environment and monthly playgroup theme
  • Allow children to interact with other students to develop social skills
  • Develop & practise English oral communication skills
  • Enhances fine motor skills & creative development through craft activities
  • Develop gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination through play
  • Increase verbal comprehension through stories and songs
  • Introduces alphabet, numbers, and stimulates word recognition
  • Develop independence, enjoyment and curiosity towards English and learning

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

培養孩子的個性及生長發展。 60分鐘課堂以主題形式分4個學習部分進行。 我們獨具特色的小班教學及互動學習氣氛, 可以讓你的孩子獲得最佳的學習體驗。


  • 熱身及自由玩樂 (社交/情商)
  • 主題活動 (認知)
  • 故事及歌唱時間 (語言及大肌肉訓練)
  • 視覺藝術和手工藝品 (小肌肉訓練)


  • 介紹課堂環境及每月主題予學生了解
  • 多讓學生們之間進行互動活動從而培養社交技巧
  • 培養及練習英語口語技能
  • 製作小手工活動可加強小肌肉訓練及創意技能
  • 透過玩樂可加強運動技能及訓練手眼協調
  • 透過故事及歌唱加強口語理解能力
  • 接觸英文字母, 數字及刺激對英文詞語的認知
  • 培養對學習英語的獨立性, 興趣度及好奇心

Levels and ages

Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten 1

18 months to 3 years old

Simply English Learning Centre - Simply HKDSE - Logo - Graphic

Our HKDSE group course prepares the student for all of the main concepts and strategies that are necessary to attain a high score in the HKDSE. Each Paper is dissected and analyzed in order to give your student the best preparation for the exams. Simply English is proud to have helped many students receive 5** results in English.

(90 minutes – 90分鐘)

課程為志在奪取佳績的HKDSE學生做好準備,教授獲得高分所需的主要概念及策略。我們會剖析及分析每份考卷,確保為學生提供最佳應試準備。Simple English很榮幸能夠讓過往無數學生考取5 **的佳績。

Simply English - How to build your HKDSE Vocabulary (5 Steps)
Simply English - 100+ Most Important Words for DSE English

Levels and ages

S4 - S6


Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Simply English Learning Centre - Cambridge YLE - Courses - Graphic

Giving children a head start in English

Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of fun, motivating English language tests, aimed at children in primary and lower-secondary education. There are three activity-based tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers. This gives students a clear path to improve in English.

Motivate your child to learn English
Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of motivating, activity-based language tests, specially designed for children at primary and lower-secondary school.

Thousands of parents around the world choose these tests to give their children a focus for their learning. You will see how your child is progressing in English, according to internationally recognised standards.

Real everyday English
Realistic everyday situations bring learning to life. The tests cover familiar, interesting topics and are designed to develop the skills your child needs to communicate in English.

A Cambridge English certificate for everyone
Every child who takes a test gets a Cambridge English certificate – it’s a great way to reward achievement.

What level are the tests?
There are three tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers. This gives your child a clear path to improve in English. The tests offer natural progression towards other Cambridge English for Schools exams, so your child can continue to build up confidence in English step by step.
The tests are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) – the international standard for describing language ability.

What’s in the tests?
The tests cover all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and include fun activities to motivate your child to do well. The tests are designed to be fair to students of all nationalities and linguistic backgrounds and are supported by a dedicated research programme. The tests are quick to take and available on demand.

Simply English & Simply Learning Centres prepare your child for the appropriate test and will help them achieve a high mark. The course is designed to be completed within in a certain number of lessons and is recommended to do the exam within 3-4 months after course start (depending on how often they have lessons per week).


Levels and ages

Starters – 4 to 6 years old

Movers – 6 to 8 years old

Flyers – 8 to 10 years old

Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Visit their website for more information:

Simply Trinity GESE Prep Logo with white outline

Exam  Preparation class

Trinity College London – Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) are oral language tests for children in primary school. There are three exams we can prepare your child for – Grades 1, 2 and 3. These lessons will teach your child everything that they need in order to pass and do well in these exams.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

倫敦聖三一學院 – 英語口語等級考試 (GESE) 是給小學生的口語試,我們會為學生準備3個考試 – 分別是1級,2級和3級,課程將傳授學生們需要在測試中取得好成績的技巧與知識。

Levels and ages

GESE 1-3

4 to 8 years old

Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Visit their website for more information:

Simply English Learning Centre - IELTS & TOEFL Courses Logos

Exam Preparation Services (IELTS, TOEFL)

Simply English & Simply Learning Centres provides preparation for IELTS and TOEFL examinations. Courses cover all sections of the exams which include reading, writing, speaking and listening. Exam strategies unique for each exam will be covered extensively with the most current practices. Exam preparation material, with full practice exams, is provided.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)

Simply English & Simply Learning 提供 IELTS、TOEFL的考試預備。課程涵蓋閱讀、寫作、口語和聽力四大部分。我們會透過最新的練習方式, 按每個考試制定獨特的策略, 而且課程能廣泛涵蓋每個考試。課程提供完整的考試材料和實習考試。

Levels and ages

Specific Examination Preparation


Placement based on ability from initial FREE assessment and subsequent lessons from teacher’s experience working with the student.


Simply English Learning Centre - HK Speech Festival Logo

Speech Festival and Interview Preparation

Speech Festival Training

  • Understanding and conveying the poem accurately
  • Practising to read/speak fluently
  • Practising pronunciation and enunciation
  • Adding different tones and pitches to add variety
  • Showing understanding by using facial expressions
  • Trying different performance techniques

We provide video feedback and give specific advice on how to improve.

School Interview Training

Your child will learn how to conduct a successful school interview that gives them a lasting impression on the schools they’re visiting. We introduce all the most common interview questions and practice exceptional answers that interviewers are listening for. We provide guidance on possible interview formats with a particular focus on creativity in answers as well as the other technical parts of the interview, which include eye contact, hand gestures, facial expressions, and appropriate behavior.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


Levels and ages

All Levels

Any Age

Our Chinese Courses

We have Mandarin & Chinese classes for all ages and levels. All classes taught by Native Level Speakers.

我們有適合所有年齡和程度的普通話和中文課程。 所有普通話課程均由母語為普通話老師教授。

Simply Mandarin 普通話應用班 Logo

Mandarin/Putonghua Comprehensive Course

This course is suitable for students with a basic knowledge of Pinyin. It helps to build their Pinyin skills, helps to teach standard pronunciation, helps students easily master Chinese pronunciation, focuses on correcting students’ habitual mistakes, and strengthens oral usage through training.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)


Levels and ages


6 to 13 years old

Simply Pinyin 普通話拼音班 Logo

Mandarin/Putonghua Pinyin Class

Basic Pinyin Class

  • Suitable for pinyin beginners.
  • Interactive teaching to help pronunciation.
  • Master the skills and key points.

Pinyin Use

  • Suitable for students with basic pinyin.
  • Revise and review pinyin skills.
  • Correct inertial mistakes for students.
  • Strengthen oral training.

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)




  • 適合從未學習拼音的學生
  • 互動發音教學
  • 掌握拼音技巧及重點


  • 適合有拼音基礎學生
  • 重溫拼音技巧
  • 糾正學生慣性錯誤
  • 加強口語練習

Levels and ages


6 to 12 years old


GAPSK Mandarin/Putonghua Proficiency Test


Exams are conducted in the form of activities and games, allowing students to complete the exam in a relaxed and enjoyable conversation with the examiner.

  • The exam is divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
  • Tested in listening, speaking and reading
  • Improve your ability to master exam key points and use Mandarin

GAPSK Primary and Secondary Schools

The GAPSK test was developed by the Institute of Chinese Education at Peking University and approved by the Ministry of Education. It is highly recognized and authoritative.

  • The examination is divided into three groups.
  • [Putonghua Proficiency Test] with the Hong Kong Examinations Board
  • It is consistent with the Education and Manpower Bureau’s [Secondary School Putonghua Examination]
  • Improve examination skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

(60 minutes – 60分鐘)



幼稚園考試以遊戲活動方式進行, 使學生與考官輕鬆愉快的對話和遊戲中輕鬆完成普通話測試.


  • 考試分為初级, 中级, 高級
  • 測試聽, 説, 讀三方面的應用能力
  • 提升掌握考試重點和運用普通話的能力程度




  • 考試為初小組, 高小组, 初中组
  • 香港考試局的[普通話水平測試]
  • 教育統籌局的[中學普通話科會考]一致
  • 提升考試技巧及包括聽, 說, 讀, 寫各種能力

Levels and ages


4 to 13 years old

Simply Chinese 中文專科班 Logo

Chinese Comprehensive Class

For school-based courses in Hong Kong, we improve students’ reading and writing skills, teach rhetorical skills & techniques, break down sentence structures, work on comprehending articles of different genres, master question-answering skills, strengthen writing abilities and enrich writing content.

Language skills

  • rhetorical skills
  • break down of sentence structure


  • Understand the genre of the article.
  • Master the skills of answering questions.


  • connect rhetorical devices
  • Enrich writing context


(60 minutes – 60分鐘)



  • 修辭技巧
  • 拆解句式結構


  • 認識文章體裁
  • 掌握答題技巧


  • 運用修辭手法
  • 豐富寫作内容

Levels and ages


6 to 15 years old

Simply Homework Club Logo - Simply Homework class

Everyday or a few days a week, we have talented teachers ready to help your kids understand what they’re learning at school.

  • Homework tutoring (All subjects)
  • Exam prep (as needed)
  • Safe place afterschool
  • Reading Material / Extra material if student has finished their school work (as needed)
Tutorial starts at 16:00 until 19:00 everyday.
  • 功課輔導(所有科目)
  • 考試準備(根據需要)
  • 合適和安全的課室
  • 閱讀材料/學生完成學業後的額外教材(根據需要)

輔導時間為星期一至五 16:00 至 19:00

Levels and ages


6 to 12 years old

Simply Art Logo

Simply Art in collaboration with AS Studio allows children to express their creativity in their Kid’s Integrated Art Course and specialty art courses. Learn to draw, colour and paint with experienced and talented art teachers. Our students have won multiple awards and prizes in competitions all over Hong Kong!

Check out their website for more details.

Simply Art 與 AS Studio 合作,讓孩子們在兒童綜合藝術課程和專業藝術課程中表達他們的創造力。 與經驗豐富、才華橫溢的美術老師一起學習繪畫、色彩和繪畫。 我們的學生在全港各地的比賽中屢獲殊榮!

AS Studio Logo

Levels and ages


4 to 15 years old

Common questions

Simply English Learning Pink Mascot with outline graphic

We have a few locations across Hong Kong. Please contact the closest centre to you for more information. You can find more details on where to find us on our contact page.

Most of our courses are on-going and do not have an end date. Students can expect to stay in their placement levels for at least 1 year to 1.5 years or until students “level up” and go to the next level (based on ability). This doesn’t apply to our Cambridge or Trinity exam preparation courses which are usually completed within 3 months. Check out our course details above for more information.

Yes, we have a variety of courses for your child to take during the summer. From Reading to Art, there’s a course for every child. Please check our blog post to see when the summer courses are available.

We provide FREE assessments and FREE trials to see how your children will interact with teachers and other students. We also have a minimum of 4 lessons so the student is not locked into a long course. Our teachers are good at making all kinds of students feel comfortable in our classes.

Simply English and Simply Learning Centres have a plethora of courses suitable for your child. From English to Mandarin, Art, and Homework Tutorial, we’re sure to have a course that you’re looking for. Call the centre nearest you to get more details.

Our prices are standard in most locations, but ask your local centre by calling/messaging them directly for up to date course prices.

Schedule a FREE assessment and FREE trial lesson today!


We can’t wait to meet you and your child! get in touch to book an assessment or to answer all of your questions.

我們急不及待地想見到您和您的孩子! 聯絡我們預約評估或回答您的所有提問。

Simply English Learning Centre - Come Visit Us Graphic
拜訪我們! 我們很高興向您介紹我們為您的孩子提供的所有課程